WPF, Prism Workbook

I prepared a page explaining simple sample programs using WPF and Prism at this link.

Electron probability density functions for a hydrogen atom

I created a program with Visual Studio 2022 to plot the probability density functions of an electron in a hydrogen atom using WPF, Material Design In XAML Toolkit, MahApps.Metro, Prism, and ScottPlot. I prepared a page about the program at this link.

Principal Component Analysis of Cifar10/Cifar100 image datasets with C#

I wrote a program with Visual Studio 2022 to perform a principal component analysis of the Cifar10/Cifar100 image datasets using WPF, Material Design In XAML Toolkit, MahApps.Metro, Prism, and Accord. I prepared a page about the program at this link.

  1. I wrote a program that speeds up the computation of principal component analysis in the above program using Eigen in C++. I prepared a page about the program at this link.
  2. I wrote a program that further speeds up the calculation of principal component analysis in the above program with a CUDA implementation. An explanation page is available at this link.

Windows Applications

I have been developing windows applications for office use with C#, WPF(Xaml), MSIX, Web API and SQL. These applications support reading and writing Excel files.

I have been developing software that uses Web APIs for fax sending services, address and map services (using Google Maps API), and administrative services such as automobile information lookup.

I have also developed applications that read QR codes by connecting Denso Wave’s QR code readers to USB ports of Windows PCs.

Following picture is a snapshot of the Demo Windows application. I developed this demo application with Visual Studio 2019 and Material Design In XAML.

Web Applications

I have been developing web applications for office use with php, JavaScript, css, html, Web API and SQL. Web applications also support reading and writing Excel files.

As with Windows applications, I have been developing applications that use Web APIs for fax sending services, address and map services (using Google Maps API), and administrative services such as automobile information lookup.

Software Development Experience

I developed software with the following programming languages.
C#, WPF(Xaml), Java, C, C++, CUDA, Objective-C, Python, Matlab (Octave), php, JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, SQL, R, assembly language

I developed applications that run on the following operating systems.
Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, iOS, Windows, Unix, Embedded OS (such as an OS on an IC card)

Recently, I often use C#, C++, CUDA, php, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.

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